Charlotte Thorne
Founding Partner
Charlotte is the voice of the firm both internally and externally; as a leading light in the private client industry, she works closely with her broad network of intermediaries to ensure that the business is always evolving to best meet client needs. This includes everything from chairing the firm’s Risk Committee, to creating new initiatives designed to keep CapGen at the forefront of an-ever changing industry. Recently, this has led her to establishing and leading the Responsible Capital initiative; a business-wide program to ensure that CapGen is actively meeting today’s social and environmental challenges. She regularly features in the trade and national press as an expert in working with family capital and is currently writing a book on how families and their advisors can get the best out of the investment industry. Charlotte began her career at HM Treasury where she advised both Conservative and Labour ministers on a range of policies including corporation tax, pensions and state aids. She also spent a year in Brussels working as a diplomat in the UK’s embassy to the European Commission and worked in policy at the then FSA. Charlotte has a degree in PPE from Oxford University